A registration breakfast will be held on Monday, April 1st, at 8 AM in the Writing Center located in Basil Hall
This will be an opportunity for you to have any last minute questions or concerns answered… and FREE BAGELS!!!

A registration breakfast will be held on Monday, April 1st, at 8 AM in the Writing Center located in Basil Hall
This will be an opportunity for you to have any last minute questions or concerns answered… and FREE BAGELS!!!
Do you enjoy working with others?
Do you have creative thoughts or ideas for events?
Do you want to be more involved with Honors students at SJFC?
Join the HSA E-board!
email Amanda Vaquero at av09847@sjfc.edu if you have any questions.
HNRS 285 P3: Metamorphosis: Change Management & Paradigm Shifts
W 6:15-9:20
Prof. Fernan Cepero
In today’s global environment, individuals and organizations must change in order to survive and be effective. Thus, change is a constant in home, school, and work life and, therefore, future leaders need to have the ability to effectively manage and lead change initiatives. This course develops your understanding of change processes and provides you with practical skills for managing and leading change. Specific course objective include:
HNRS 290 P4: Science Fiction
MW 2:30-3:50
Dr. Lucia Guarino
Science fiction (SF) films, novels and television shows provide authors an opportunity to push the boundaries of what is currently possible and explore the implications of these developments for society. In this course, we will look at examples from recent SF that explore topics ranging from telepathy to robots, from energy weapons to terraforming other planets. Then, we will examine the reasonableness of these using scientific literature and experiments to evaluate the ideas.
HNRS 280 P2: “Trigger Me”: Examining Race, Bias, and Taking Action
TR 3-4:20
Dr. Joellen Maples
This honors course will provide an in-depth exploration of the theory and practice of learning and living in a diverse and pluralistic society. Students will actively explore the ways socio-cultural practices simultaneously support and marginalize different groups of people. As a foundation for building an understanding of contemporary issues of diversity, students will explore the ways in which language, literacy, culture, and experience influence the construction and deconstruction of knowledge at the societal, institutional, and individual level. Furthermore, we will discuss issues of intentional and inadvertent discrimination as it occurs societally, institutionally, and individually. Such interconnected exploration seeks to problematize our role in the construction and maintenance of a hegemonic ‘landscape’ for learning. Throughout the course students will discuss and interrogate issues related to social justice, with particular emphasis on the investigation of the discourses that create inequity in society. In addition to readings and film, students will be involved in off campus activities and will plan and propose a campus wide action plan to deal with racial inequities on campus.
Get curious and grow your ideas, Fisher! Spend the summer engaging in a research experience and earn Honors credit for it.
The Center for Student Research and Creative Work supports a competitive summer program for undergraduate students at St. John Fisher College to get involved in faculty-mentored research projects in a variety of disciplines and multidisciplinary collaborations. Last summer, students and mentors in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Pharmaceutical Sciences but also English, History, Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Media and Communication, Nursing, Philosophy, and Psychology participated.
The full 10-week program begins June 3 and ends August 12, 2019.
Details about the program and application process can be found on the Summer Research webpage.
Applications can be submitted March 11 through April 5, 2019.
News for 2019
All questions should be directed to Center Director, Dr. Kristin Picardo (kpicardo@sjfc.edu; 585-899-3802).
Mensa is a high IQ organization: https://www.mensa.org/
Rochester Area Mensa is hosting Mensa Admission Testing on Saturday, March 16, 2019 from 01:00 pm until 04:00 pm.
Two tests are administered; a qualifying score on either one allows you become a member.
(This is NOT the Culture Fair test battery.)
Test location: Kearney Hall, Classroom 314
St. John Fisher College
Your Proctors will be: Robert B. Horner and Robert N. Markwick.
Prior registration is required; registrations accepted in the order received. Registration by email is preferred. If calling, be prepared to leave a message if necessary with your name, preferred call back number, and a suggested good time to call.
Contact Info: Terry Redfield
(585) 204-7210
March 14th – Pi Day Promotion:
On Thursday, March 14th, the Mensa Practice Test – normally priced at $18 – will be available to you for $3.14 online.
There is only ONE Mensa Home Test. If you have taken it before, it will be the same one. It could still energize a few synapses and help you on the test. It will be up to you to decide if taking the $3.14 practice test – or taking it again – is worth the price.
(Available at https://www.us.mensa.org/join/mht/ )
Space could be somewhat limited due to demand. To RSVP or for more info, contact Terry Redfield at terrenceredfield@yahoo.com / 585.204.7210.
On Thursday March 14, Honors is having breakfast with two former members of Congress: Democrat Larry LaRocco and Republican Tim Petri. Join us in Ward-Haffey at 8:15am. If you’re not on a meal plan let me know and I’ll get you a free pass.
The Congressmen’s visit to campus was organized by Dr. Kathleen Donovan, assistant professor of political science and advisor to Fisher’s Political Action Club. She believes the Congress to Campus program will help students better understand how lawmaking and the political process work, and make the abstract concept of “Washington” more concrete.
“What is great about this program is that it connects across so many content areas. Not only will political science students get to hear firsthand about campaigning and governing, but history students will hear the legislative perspective on military and security issues, and accounting students will hear about making tax policy,” she explained. “My hope is that students will leave feeling more informed about the political process, and more capable of participating in it. The goal is partially to show students the connections between politics and their own interests. Regardless of major, I hope students leave wanting to stay informed on topics that are important to them.”
LaRocco is a former democratic Member of Congress who represented the First District of Idaho from 1991 to 1995. While in Congress, he served on the influential House Financial Services Committee and the House Natural Resources Committee.
A leader in the intersection of financial services and public policy, his career in finance started in 1973 in Idaho’s banking industry, including work as an executive in the securities sector with Shearson Lehman Hutton and Piper Jaffray. After Congress, he served for five years as managing director of the American Bankers Association for affiliate organizations in securities and insurance. In 2000, he co-founded LaRocco & Associates, Inc. with his son and in 2003, LaRocco joined Fleishman-Hillard Government Relations and led the organization as its president.
U.S. Representative Tim Petri represented Wisconsin’s 6th Congressional District for 18 terms until his retirement at the end of the 113th Congress (January 2015). He was a senior member of both the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Committee on Education and the Workforce. In the 113th Congress, he served as Chairman of the Highways and Transit Subcommittee and previously served as chair of the Aviation Subcommittee. A lawyer in private practice in Wisconsin, Petri also served in the Wisconsin State Senate from 1973 to 1979.
In addition to his legislative work, Petri at various times in his career served as the chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives-British Parliament exchange, the House French and German Caucuses, and was an active participant in U.S. House-Japanese Diet discussions. In appreciation of his efforts, in November 2015 Japanese Emperor Akihito conferred on Petri honorary membership in the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver level, and in early 2016, Queen Elizabeth II made Petri an honorary Officer of the British Empire.